Monday, October 27, 2008

One Week Wait

Okay...I'm finally in the one week wait.  It's almost been a month since our bloodwork for recurrent loss.  I wish I was seeing the RE today.  But, I'll have to wait 7 more days!  I should be good at this waiting thing...been doing it for over two and a half years now!  I am back on the Weight Watchers diet.  I let the past six months take over my emotional eating and lack of consistent exercise.  I cannot let myself  walk right into the obese category again!  It's crazy how gaining five pounds can turn into 25 pounds in just a few months.  But, I stopped being careful-and stopped my daily running routine hoping to have some baby magic.

Boo!  Hoo!

It's okay--WW is pretty easy for me.  I just need to be committed and consistent.  So, now I have some short term goals...and I am hoping to get back into my skinny jeans by Valentine's Day '09!  I think it's probably safe to say-I probably won't be usually takes us about 6 months to get our timing right!  So...let's see that puts us at April to getting  pregnant...
I could predict the outcome of that pregnancy-but, I'm trying to be a little positive!  ha!

I'm about to give up hope.  I've enjoyed the two month break of TTC.  I feel like I would be a better person if I didn't have to deal with another miscarriage.  I'll just wait to see what the RE says...I'm ready to move on.  

As much as we want another baby-I just don't know how much more I can take.  

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