Leah is currently taking meds for the next few days to prepare for another shot at a IUI.
She told me last night that she had to remind herself to "shoot up" at 6 p.m. and to order more medication! It feels like it's happening so fast. Here we go again on this crazy emotional roller coaster.
I am currently on hold until my next doctor's appointment. I've just experienced my first chemical pregnancy. I had a BFP+ on Saturday, September 13, 2008.
Then, I began spotting Monday night. Tuesday was medium flow. Then, spotting the next two days. I actually expected more! I'm so experienced at this stuff! (Miscarriage) I took another pregnancy test on Thursday, September 18th, it was a definite faded line. My mind kept hoping maybe I was experiencing implantation bleeding, and that in a few days I would see a bold dark line on my pregnancy test.
Leah text messaged me on September 22nd: If u are still up call me. 10:32 pm
So, I did. She was reading a blog and felt like I needed to take another pregnancy test....just in case. I was planning on doing another just to get this nagging thoughts out of my mind. So, I went to the dollar store & picked up ONE test. TEST: BFN on September 24th. At least now, I can have peace of mind, right?
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